Our mate, Amber Jones, is a talented Kiwi lass currently building a dreamy surf-shack-set up on some land in the small coastal town of Tairua, on New Zealand's Coromandel Peninsula. Living off the land and sea, with ocean views and loft cabins of our tiny-home-dreams, Amber recently shot her bro's ladyfriend, Yvi Mai, one fine morning in Aotearoa. In her own words....
Ever since I had a little care package arrive from SG it had been burning a hole in my creative brain and all I wanted to achieve was to give these incredible garments the justice they deserved, in (Salt Gypsy founder) Danny's homeland: New Zealand.

Enter stage left : Yvi Mai.
My little brother was visiting from LA and announced he was bringing his new lady friend. Little was I aware that his lady friend happened to be a fierce, creative, stunning, empowering woman..until she landed on my front doorstep.
Yvi, not so much a morning person, politely/hesitantly agreed when I suggested she throw some garments on and play around in some sand at sparrows fart. 6am came, she rolled out of bed (yes, she looked exactly like that when she woke up! ) I handed her a strong black coffee and off we toddled down to the beach. Nothing like a beautiful NZ sunrise, black coffee and a white fluff ball dog to energise the senses.

So this was the finished product of two creative women (+ a dog) hanging out at sunrise in the Coromandel, a camera, a stunning backdrop and some rad sustainably made surf garments. We hope you love it as much as the fun we had shooting it!

Photographer: Amber Jones
Muse: Yvi Mai